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canil von costa - rottweiler

Advanced von costa kennel

It all started with the acquisition of our first Rottweiler. At the time, we had little knowledge about the breed, its morphology and temperament, but it was love at first sight! Without knowing much about exhibitions, handlers or rankings, we decided to venture into this fascinating world.

With the support of CBKC and meeting other breeders over time, we have been accumulating knowledge and experience. In the beginning, we had some dogs of varying quality. It was then that we decided to dedicate ourselves more intensely, focusing on an excellent breeding stock and we began to breed in a planned way.

Today, with over 20 years of experience, we have evolved significantly. We have acquired in-depth knowledge of genetics and dog management, which has allowed us to improve the quality of our breeding stock. We learn from our mistakes and celebrate our successes, producing dogs that stand out both in the competition ring and in homes throughout Brazil and the world.

Our facilities are modern and designed to offer maximum comfort and safety to our dogs. We have large spaces for recreation and socialization, as well as an environment suitable for training and physical conditioning. Our dedication to the health and well-being of our dogs is a priority, with regular veterinary check-ups and a high-quality, balanced diet.

We are proud to have bred over 1,000 Rottweilers over the years, each with characteristics that reflect the essence of the breed: strength, loyalty and balance. We are immensely grateful to all the owners who trust in our work and share the joy of having a Rottweiler from our breeding.

If you want a faithful, balanced companion with a recognized lineage, come and be part of our family!

With decades of dedication and passion for the breed, we are ready to offer the best that a Rottweiler can be.

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